
If you want to contact us, use the form in the “Contacts” section.
The product code is an identification code that all Kooper’s products have. Usually, it is indicated above the barcode and it consists of 7 numbers. You need it to precisely identify your product.
If the product you have bought doesn’t work correctly, you can send us an e-mail using the form you find in the “Contacts” section. We will reply to you as soon as possible. Remember to always indicate the product code and to send your request together with a (scanned) copy of the sales receipt.
You can send us an e-mail using the form you find in the “Contacts” section. We will reply to you as soon as possible sending you a copy of the booklet. Remember to always indicate the product code.
You can send us an e-mail using the form you find in the “Contacts” section. We will contact you as soon as possible. Remember to always indicate the product code.
The guarantee on the products bought for personal use, namely with the receipt or invoice (on fiscal code), lasts for 2 years. In order to have a valid guarantee it is necessary to show or send a copy of the sales receipt.
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